How to find your Letter ID
Your Letter ID is in the upper right-hand corner on the correspondence you received from the Department.

Your Account Number is in the upper right-hand corner under the Letter ID on the correspondence you received from the Department.

The Account Number and Letter ID can be found the letters listed below:
- Refund Approved
- Application Denied
- Document Request
- General Correspondence
- No Administrator on Account
- Balance Due Notice
- Notice of Delinquency
- 1099-MISC Notification
- UCP Due Diligence
The Letter ID can be found the letters listed below:
- Return Verification PIN
- Return Verification Quiz
- Return Verification Documentation Request
Don’t have any of the correspondence or forms listed above?
If there is no administrator linked to the account in My DOR, you can request that a Letter ID be mailed to the address on file. This Letter ID can be used to grant access to the tax account in My DOR.
You can also call 360-763-7300 to request a Letter ID be mailed to the address on file. Letter IDs will not be provided via email.